
Herr Henkes vs. Jutta Merkel  at "Let the Rhythm Hit 'Em", 04.11.2011-15.01.2012, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin

"Planetolaris Tanko" vor dem Bauhaus in Dessau

"Home series_ball"




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Michael Schultze


300 x 250 x 210 cm, 15 Tapedecks, 15 Kassetten, Lampen, Stahlböcke, Kanthölzer, Audiokabel, Mixer, mp3 player, voice effect, Mikrofon, Ständer, DI-Box // 15 tape decks, 15 cassettes, lamps, steel trestles, squared timber, audio cable, mixer, mp3 player, voice effect, microphone, stand, DI box

Matthias Mayer, Installation und Live-Set _Vom Abbau der Welt zu Ganz Berlin_WestGermany, 25.10.2023


Start und Vorstellung des Projektes


Schwarzwaldhaus  2014, 69 x 45 x 40 cm/with cardboard 101 x 66 x 50, tapedeck, box, foam, internet router, signal lamp, cardboard, wallpaper stripper/plastic bottle, aluminium, tape

"Home series_room"



Eingang zur "Wiesenburg"



Detail No.1

"Porte de Berlin" 2005, 2.28, DVD, from the "Speed of cars"-series


ShCube at "amigos", Kulturpalast Wedding International, Berlin, 26.09.-04.10.2008


"Home series_room", detail



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Michael Schultze


Opening with Live Performance of Khan, photo by Jan Christensen

Bungalow  2014, 58 x 57 x 52 cm, tapedeck, bottles, acrylic, box, paper, marker, ribbons

"Home series_stereo"




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Mika Andersen

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Opening with Live Performance of Khan, photo by Jan Christensen

"Home series_mirror"



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Loïc Raguénès

 Live Performance of Tjaere & Fjer (Jens Christian Madsen) on the "Partyloader"

Sleek Whiskey House  2014, 64 x 23 x 32 cm, lamp, shoebox, tin box, licorice, wood

"Home series_mirror", detail


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Adrian Lohmüller

 Live Performance of Tjaere + Fjer (Jens Christian Madsen) on the "Partyloader"

"Home series_street"


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Nicola Schudy

Screening and artist talk with Wolgang Müller/Die Tödliche Doris, interviewed by Anna Bromley (Lautstrom/reboot.fm)

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Vanessa Henn

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Screening and artist talk with Wolgang Müller/Die Tödliche Doris, interviewed by Anna Bromley (Lautstrom/reboot.fm)

Stefanie Mayer

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Performance Reto Pulfer

Olivier Babin

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Performance Reto Pulfer

Jean-Baptiste Ganne

Matthias Mayer

Wolf von Kries

Opening 04.11.2011 with Khan Live on the "Partyloader", Photo by Jan Christensen

Patrick Jambon

Richard Schütz (front), Saâdane Afif (back)

Natalie Czech

Julia Lazarus

Jean-Pascal Flavien

Saâdane Afif

Sébastien Brault


Zascho Petkow

Veronika Schumacher

Ulrika Segerberg

Thea Timm

Marie Reinert

Hervé Humbert


paper, tape, 42 x 59,4 cm (A2)

photo by Linda Weiss

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34 TV's/monitors/screens, 7 tapedecks and cassettes, 3 CD-players, 1 CD radiorecorder, 4 CD's, 29 DVD-players and DVD's, 4 media players, 24 headphones, video and electric cables, 2 neon lights, film, wood, paper, tape, 616 x 71 x 300 cm

Installation with video and audio works by:
Michelle Alperin, Mika Andersen, Jens Becker, Matthias Beckmann, BEWEGUNG NURR & Florian Göpfert, Cisca Bogman, Iwona Borkowska, Anna Bromley, Johannes Bünemann, Alexander Callsen, Elly Clarke, Davis Museum feat. Danger Museum (Miho Shimizu & Øyvind Renberg), Meike Dölp, Tiny Domingos, Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez, Michael Fesca, Tom Früchtl, Anne Gathmann, Stella Geppert, Robert Gfader, Armin Häberle, Max Hattler, Patrick Jambon, Uwe Jonas, Khan, Silke Koch, Julie Laignel, Simone Lanzenstiel, Julia Lazarus, Daniela Lehmann Carrasco, Christine Lemke, Adrian Lohmüller/Meghan Tomeo, LEO, Sabine Linse, Jens Christian Madsen, Al Masson, Oliver Möst, Wolfgang Müller, Nabi Nara, Neozoon, Elva Olafsdottir, Daniel Permanetter, Pfelder, Oliver Pietsch, Maria-Leena Räihälä, Adrian Schiesser, Sonya Schönberger, Michael Schultze, Heidi Sill, Gabriele Stellbaum, Klaudia Stoll/Jacqueline Wachall, Jaro Straub, Vassiliea Stylianidou, Alex Tennigkeit/Stefan Kaminski, Eva Teppe, Anke Völk, Linda Weiss, Maja Weyermann, Barbara Wille, Ina Wudtke, Oliver Zwink


Photo; Philipp Lachenmann, Plakat: Laucke Siebein

„Instrument 02 Extended“ 2020,, Ausstellung/Exhibition HARDLY IN SOUND - Symphonie einer Gegenwart /Symphony of a Present, 29.08.-13.09.2020, Errant Sound Project Space, Berlin

Peformance "Mauerpark", 04.08.2020, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Photo: Martin Marenčin für/for Kunsthalle Bratislava

„Instrument 02 Extended“ 2020,, Detail

Mit Audioproduktion "Mauerpark" 2016-2020:
Die Aufnahmen von verschiedenen Musikauftritten, die im Stil spontaner Straßenmusik, Karaoke bis zu kleineren Konzerten dargeboten wurden, entstanden an einem Sonntag im September 2016 im Mauerpark in Berlin. Durch die räumliche Nähe der Musiker*innen zueinander überlagerten sich die diversen Aufführungen akustisch. Diese besondere klangliche Situation fängt die Audioproduktion ein und verdichtet sie.
// The recordings of various music performances, which were presented in the style of spontaneous street music, karaoke and smaller concerts, were made on a Sunday in September 2016 in Mauerpark in Berlin. Due to the spatial proximity of the musicians to each other, the various performances overlapped acoustically. The audio production captures and condenses this special sonic situation.


„Onkyo-Bar“ 2015 (mit Audioproduktion/with audio production „Mauerpark“ 2016-2020), Kunsthalle Bratislava 2020

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